UK ride out rules

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UK ride out rules

  1. Flook
    Following a recent non event I thought I had better put down some ideas about ride outs. Feel free to add anything for either discussion or additional ideas.

    1/ A starting point is essential, then everyone knows where to meet up.
    2/ A start off time or time to meet up. Everyone will know when to leave home and how much time to allow to get to the meeting point.
    3/ A destination point, unless someone says something like Bills wild adventure etc
    4/ An approx duration of ride, example: 2hours with a stop for lunch
    5/ The planner must have the route sorted out well before hand and notice to be put out.

    Now the riding part
    1/ Ride leader, can be the planner or someone who knows the route and wants to lead
    2/ Tail End Charlie (TEC) basically the sweeper of the ride, the one who remains at the rear and can have contact with the lead rider in case of an emergency.
    3/ Drop off system, very useful this is so know one gets lost.
    4/ When riding in close formation the zig zag systems is used, easy and safe for everyone involved.

    Drop off system: Usually diploid when there is a large group.
    The lead rider has the responsibility of of pointing to a position the second rider is to stop at when they want to make a turn or on a round about to show which way the group have gone.
    1 - turning left - lead rider points to a position where the second person is to stop. That person stays in that position until the Tail End Charlie (TEC) comes into view to show the whole group has gone through.
    2- Turn right - lead rider points to a position where the second person is to stop, this is normally a position when the right turn has been made, and at a position that is noticeable to others following. Again until the TEC is noticed.
    3- Round-a-bouts - lead rider points to a position where he wants the second rider to stop, this should be in a visible position to the rest of the following group, and again TEC sweeps up.

    ZIG ZAG riding
    This is offset riding formation, lead rider normally takes the right hand position (UK riding), the following rider takes the left, the third takes the right, the fourth takes the left and so on. You all bunch up in two's when at traffic lights, and at T junctions. This also makes it more difficult for traffic to move into the line and break the formation.

    Any one have any more things to add, or suggestions.

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