Forum Rules - BMW G450X Riders Forum & Registry

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BMW G450X Riders Forum & Registry Rules

Forum Rules

First and Foremost - please note that althought you might be registering on,, or, all three of these sister sites share the same user registration system, and pull from the same user database. If you have previously signed up at one of the above three sites you are signed up on all of them. Go ahead and just log right in and post!

Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' checkbox and press the 'Register' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the forums index.

When writing your messages, please use the same courtesy that you would show when speaking face-to-face with someone. Flames, insults, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. It's fine to disagree strongly with opinions, ideas, and facts, but always with respect for the other person. Great minds do not always think alike, and that's where the fun is! Also, note that messages express the thoughts of the writers, not the group Administrators or Moderators. Here is the list of guidelines for the forum:

No Nudity: We have a policy against the posting of images depicting nudity. Understand that we are not taking a moral stand one way or the other. This is simply a policy of this group.

No Inappropriate Avatars or Embedded Images: Avatars and images embedded within posts using the forum attaching system must be appropriate for all audiences. Sexually suggestive images, images depicting violence or any other image that might be deemed offensive or inappropriate to members may be removed at any time and without notice. More latitude is given to URL links, provided that suitable warning is given to the reader. The Moderators shall make the final determination as to the appropriateness of any image.

Commercial Postings: This is a private forum designated for the use of its members. Commercial posts of any kind will be allowed in the Marketplace forum only. Any posts to any other forum that are deemed to be of a commercial nature will be subject to removal and the identity posting them may be blocked or banned.

Copyrighted materials: This site is available for the free flow of information among its members; each person is responsible for the content he or she submits to this site. Posting of copyrighted materials, links to pirated copyrighted materials or solicitation to buy, sell or trade pirated copyrighted materials is not condoned by the Administrators of this site. Any materials or links posted on this site which appear to be in violation of a copyright will be removed without notice. The Administrators of this site respect the intellectual property of others and will make every effort to assure those rights are not violated. The determination of any materials in question will be at the sole discretion of the site Administrators and a reminder will be sent to the poster referring to the current policy.

Safe place: This group should be considered a "safe place". Blatantly offensive, inappropriate content, personal attacks, harassment, and posts meant to polarize, inflame or incite other members the group ARE NOT TOLERATED IN ANY FORUM. A more 'adult' forum has been started for topics of the slightly more controversial nature, but rules governing posting in that forum are also in place.

Freedom of Speech: Although the constitution of the US guarantees that Congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, this website is not Congress. Freedom of speech rights do not extend to privately owned websites. While it is our wish to promote the free exchange of ideas, the guidelines of this website governs the behaviors and activities of the members. If you choose not to follow these guidelines, your account may be disabled at the discretion of the moderators and administrators.

Identity: You are allowed to participate in our community in a mostly anonymous fashion but we recommend that you provide a real name and regional information to help continue to provide a real sense of community to all of or members. We do log IP addresses, and we do require that you provide a valid email address for membership. If any account is found to have an invalid email address, that account will be terminated by the Administrators.

Lurk: Read the previous postings and just hang out for a while without posting any messages for a few weeks. This is known as 'lurking' and is encouraged. Lurking will give you an idea of tone of the group. Lurking also lets you know who is really in the know and who is just a poseur.

Searching: Use the forum search feature or one of the major internet search engines BEFORE you ask your next question. Being asked the same old question over and over is very irritating. By not taking the time to search the archives or make a search of other internet resources BEFORE asking the group is like saying, "my time is more valuable than yours, so I'm just going to ask here instead of looking for it myself".

Stick to the topic: Know what on-topic is and what is off-limits. Every forum is a little different in what it talks about and each forum in our group is devoted to clearly defined topics. Please stick to the topic covered by each forum or for more generalized chatter use the Chit Chat forum.

This is not your personal email: Understand when it's time to go to private emails or private messaging. Ask yourself the following question before you press the send button -- "Am I adding anything to the discussion or would this message be better sent as a private email to the particular individual I'm trying to reach?" If you have something that should be directed to one individual, send them the email or private message, not the forum. That is, unless your answer is of a general interest nature that we all would benefit from.

Control the "chatter": Friendly banter between members is a good thing. But when it's taken to the extreme, it clutters up the message board and lowers the value of the information contained in the archives. Each off-topic commentary, witty remark, and me-too post just adds to more messages to search through in the archives. Use the site's PM system instead.

What's said behind closed doors stays behind closed doors: Don't air your (or anyone else's) dirty laundry in public. There is absolutely NO NEED to post a private email in a public forum. It is inconsiderate and violates an unsaid trust between you and the sender. Treat private emails the same way you would a telephone call. How would you like your private conversation between you and another member of the group played out on CNN or BBC news?

Keep some things to yourself: Treat all posts you place in this forum as PUBLIC information. Anything you put in a post is potentially there for the entire internet to see. Home addresses, phone numbers, or other personal information is better left to a private email and not posted on the group. Would you walk down the street of a major city yelling out your phone number, home address, and how many toys you have parked in the garage with the key most likely in the ignition? Think about it.

Just the Facts (not FAQs): Concise and to the point is more important than showing off your expressive nature. If you have something to say, then say it. Include enough so we all know what you're talking about, but please be brief about it. Nobody really cares what your deep philosophical stance is on some mundane or off topic subject.

Don't shout: TYPING ALL IN CAPS IS CONSIDERED SHOUTING. Reading a lot of text in caps is hard on the eyes and is considered very rude. Plus, everyone thinks you're a complete moron without having to read anything you have to say.

Don't over quote: Copying a long post (more than 20 lines) just to add "I agree" or "me too" is considered bad form. Be original, bring something new to the discussion.

Context: Just as you shouldn't over quote, at least give us some idea what you're talking about when you do post that "I agree" or "thank you" message. Nothing like having to track back on a "thank you" message and read through an entire thread of "motorcycle camping" as it morphs into some other completely unrelated subject to get to the original post.

Don't beat a dead horse: Read through the entire thread BEFORE you post a response. Chances are if you are reading a message that is several days old, the subject has been covered ad nauseam and your two cents really doesn't matter. If, however, you find there is still some valuable information yet to be added to the discussion which hasn't already been covered, then go right ahead. Just take the time to be considerate and read the entire thread before responding.

The Golden Rule: Treat other users with the same respect you would like to receive yourself. Remember that every expert was a newbie once; we all break this one from time to time. And usually when we do, we feel bad about it. Then there are some who don't.

Don't be too thin skinned: Try not to take things too personally. If you can't take the heat, then do not participate.

Name without a face: On the Internet and in newsgroups especially, people don't see you, just what you post. Because of that, you need to be careful of what you write because that almost completely determines how you are perceived by others. So, if you want to be taken seriously, it's a good idea to double check the spelling and grammar of a post before sending it. It's also a good idea to double check any facts you state in a post -- there is always someone who has enough free time to go checking on anything you post; and it can be embarrassing to be called on a factual error.

Show some emotion: Because email is a text form of communication, it lacks the subtleties and nuances of verbal/face to face communication. Take a moment to learn the various methods of expressing a level of "internet body language" in your posts (a.k.a. emoticons). Some basic emoticons and acronyms can be found in the enhanced editing interface.

Ignore "trolls": Some people get a thrill from posting "flames" (really obnoxious messages) just to get a rise out of people. Sad, isn't it? If you see a flame war going on between two members, just stay out of it. Anything you have to say on the subject will just propagate the thread and add fuel to the fire. Be responsible and just stay out of it.

Enforcement of the Guidelines:

Enforcement of the guidelines is at the discretion of the Moderators with oversight by the Administrators. This group has proved to be a very responsible self-policing community. Everyone on this group should be treated as an adult. However, as with any community, possible problems may arise.

Although the administrators and moderators of [ARG:2 UNDEFINED] will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of [ARG:2 UNDEFINED], nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

The owners of [ARG:2 UNDEFINED] reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.